
Weight's always been an issue for me. Being thin was never a part of my life. Not even in the slightest. It's gotten bad enough that I've endangered my health. It's not something I like to talk about since it's a sensitive topic for me. 
I've been called names because of my weight, mainly by family members. I know it's out of affection, but sometimes it gets to me since it's never been something I'm too fond of. Certain words bother me, especially things like chunky or chubby. It might sound cute to other people (I'm not sure why though), but it's something I have negative affiliations with. 
I'm well over a healthy weight, and it's basically caused a lot of issues with my health. It's caused me to get PCOS (look it up if u don't know what it is), which messes up my hormones a lot. It's all just a lot, but it's all because I get lazy and lose motivation for things like working out and eating healthy. It's an issue that I still struggle with, but I'm learning to deal with it.
I'm still learning, just as everyone else is. I'm putting myself on diets so I'll be healthier physically, but of course, not everything works. But for some reason, people still can't get it through their heads that certain words are shitty to hear (ex. fat ass, whale, cow, etc.). I know this is gonna sound repetitive, but just be wary of what you say. It can make a person's day go from the best to the shittiest in a matter of seconds. Don't be the reason for someone else's misery. 
