
If you've ever met me, as brief as it was, you know I love concerts. But no one really knows why. I gotta warn you, I might sound super sappy, but just bear with me.
To start this off, I'd like to mention that I listen to a variety of songs. It ranges from rock to pop to alternative to rap to hip hop. So with that in mind, I wanna explain why concerts mean so much to me. Sure, you might get to see musicians you may have been waiting for since that last time 2 years ago or maybe you'll get to see them for the first time in your life. I've never had a bad experience with any concerts yet, apart from the occasional whiny brat in the crowd. 
So why does a concert mean anything at all? For most people, it's about getting to see a favorite artist. For others, it's about having fun. For me, it's about vibing with a crowd of fans while sharing that same experience with that artist y'all love so much. You get to see how beautiful it is to see a crowd come together to support an artist, whether big or small. Also, it makes you feel good. It's a great feeling, especially when you go with friends. You get to jump with the crowd and scream your lungs out without judgment. 
Concerts help me feel good. They help me release my energy into something healthy. They're really fucking fun too. You might think this post is useless, but it's another thing I want to share from my life and from my point of view. Next time you're at a concert, have fun. Let yourself go. You'll see it all changes the minute you realize what's actually going on around you. 
